Norma Lilia Gutiérrez Zamora
For 9 years she had the opportunity to work at Alas de América which is the aircraft university for Aeroméxico, Mexicana, Delta, Lufthansa, AeroPerú. This allowed her to teach in countries like Argentina, Guatemala, Perú and The United States.
With Procter & Gamble she worked for 6 years in the Human Resouces Department (Trainining) studying in its headquarters in Cinncinnati, Ohio and traveling later on as an outsoucing consultant to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Salvador, Venezuela, among others.
She has studied at Artesofía for 12 years as a trainer for educational institutions in order to increase the potential of all intelligences by means of using all classical arts (music and painting mostly). She is currently trainining teachers and students and always using this approach when designing courses.
She studied linguistics at UDLA.